MWA Repairing the cathodic protection system (Impressed current) of water pipeline at Soi Suksawat 53

Test results, the cathodic protection system of MWA Repairing the cathodic protection system (Impressed current) of water pipeline at Soi Suksawat 53. The pipe to soil potentials test is accordance with the N.A.C.E. SP-0169 standard. A negative (cathodic) potential of at least 850 millivolts with the cathodic protection applied. This potential is measured with respect to a saturated copper-copper sulfate reference electrode contacting the electrolyte. Voltage drops other than those across the structure-to-electrolyte boundary must be considered for valid interpretation of this voltage measurement, which the cathodic protection system can work for a lifetime of 20 years

There should be an inspection of the the cathodic protection system every 6 months to check that the system is still working and the pipe to soil potentials test is negative not less than 850 mV-DC if the system have a problem or the pipe to soil potentials test is below the N.A.C.E. SP-0169 standard. Must repair the most urgent or contact the company that is installed to come to correct.


Repair and install new power cable of cathodic protection system( Impressed current), Pipe to soil potential test 2 point and Tranformer rectifier measure 1 unit.


  • Owner: Metropolitan Waterworks Authority
  • Contractor: CGL Engineering
  • Location: Soi Suksawat 53, Phra Pradaeng, Samut Prakan, Thailand.
Project skills
  • Installation complete
  • Presentation
Project link