Exclusive Service
We design, install, commission cathodic protection, AC mitigation devices, Grounding, Lighting and Lightening System. we supply world class Remote Monitoring Units (RMUs), Transformer Rectifier Units (TRUs), AC mitigation CP survey and monitoring equipment, pin brazing equipment. Experience and services within the Company cover a comprehensive range of corrosion and related areas. These include:
AC mitigation is the process of designing and applying pipeline grounding systems to: Prevent voltage spikes during fault conditions. Reduce AC current density to protect against AC induced corrosion.
Lightning is a natural disaster causing various damage. Therefore, Lightning protection system is necessary because lightning results can lead to loss of life and property.
The methodology used for external corrosion control in underground pipelines consists of coating inspection and effectiveness of cathodic protection. Inspections are carried out by using a combination of the CIPS and DCVG techniques.
These units are perfect to protect your assets from HVAC or HVDC lines or Lightening surges. This is an product of M.C. Miller and ADEE. CGL is distributors in Thailand, both companies. M.C. Miller SSDs&PCRs are made in USA and ADEE PCRs are made in France.
This is the World's First Isolating Expansion Joint to compensate with pipeline's expansion caused by ground stress movements & changing linear pipeline's dimensions. This is an product of Advance Products & Systems, we are a distributor in Thailand.
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